Fostering a closely connected community
Quantum Valley Lower Saxony is fostering a closely connected community that picks up on technology trends at an early stage, develops new markets and provides impetus for innovation across science, business and policy. The German Federal State of Lower Saxony invested over 250 million Euros in quantum technologies over the past decade and is expected to attract further funding of well over a billion Euros over the next 10 years.
We believe in a joint effort for the growth of the European ecosystem. Hence, we’ve been heavily involved in the activities of the European Quantum Flagship since its inception through various projects, such as MicroQC and QTEdu.
More than 400 researchers at Leibniz University Hannover, Braunschweig University of Technology and theGerman National Metrology Institute (PTB) are working on quantum research and the key technologies required for this. Together, they have already established two successful clusters of excellence: QuantumFrontiers and PhoenixD. Three recently opened research buildings (HITec, LENA, LNQE) are directly dedicated to nano- and quantum technologies. New clean room laboratories for semiconductor and nanotechnology form an outstanding infrastructure and enable the use of microelectronics as well as atomic and ion trap chip production processes.
In November 2020, our research alliance established an association with the newly founded DLR Institute for Satellite Geodesy and Inertial Sensing and representatives of industry to form a joint office for cooperation and knowledge transfer. Supported by the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics and in close collaboration with an ever-growing circle of leading German and international companies, the QVLS e.V. accelerates breakthroughs in quantum technologies. A special common focus is the construction of an ion-trap quantum computer, for which QVLS coordinates the leading consortium both regionally (QVLS-Q1) and nationally (ATIQ).
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